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WordPress is simple, elegant, and modular. That combination has made it the most popular web platform on the planet, resulting in a rich ecosystem of themes, plugins and support. It’s an amazing opportunity for devs and designers, but how do you stand out in such a crowded marketplace?

WordPress是简单,优雅和模块化的。 这种结合使其成为地球上最流行的Web平台,从而形成了主题,插件和支持丰富的生态系统。 对于开发人员和设计师来说,这是一个了不起的机会,但是您如何在如此拥挤的市场中脱颖而出?

Sites like ThemeForest allow creators of WordPress themes to have a steady income, bringing in over half a billion dollars in revenue to their community of authors. But that revenue is not shared evenly. While some authors make millions, 76% of WordPress themes on ThemeForest earn under $1,000 per month (, 2016).

像ThemeForest这样的网站可以使WordPress主题的创建者获得稳定的收入,为他们的作者社区带来超过10亿美元的收入。 但是,该收益并非平均分配。 虽然有些作者赚了数百万美元,但76%的ThemeForest WordPress主题每月收入不到1,000美元( ,2016)。

So how do you stand out from the crowd? Let me introduce you to a team that learned how—.

那么,您如何在人群中脱颖而出? 让我向您介绍一个学习了的团队。

您如何在WordPress人群中脱颖而出? (How Do You Stand Out in the WordPress Crowd?)

StylemixThemes is a remote team of devs, designers and support gurus who started making WordPress themes in 2008, and decided to start selling them on ThemeForest two years later. It took time and grit, and they eventually found success. They became Power Elite authors by earning their first million in December 2016, and have earned another million in the last year.

StylemixThemes是一个由开发人员,设计师和支持专家组成的远程团队,他们于2008年开始制作WordPress主题,并于两年后决定开始在ThemeForest上出售它们。 花了时间和毅力,他们终于找到了成功。 他们在2016年12月赚了第一百万美元,成为Power Elite作家,在去年又赚了一百万。

What’s their secret? The team talked about their journey in a . Here are a few of the lessons they learned:

他们的秘密是什么? 团队在谈到了他们的旅程。 这是他们学到的一些经验教训:

Never copy. Come up with something new and unique, and integrate that into your themes, plugins and products.

永远不要复制。 提出新颖独特的内容,并将其集成到您的主题,插件和产品中。

Eat crow. Getting feedback on your work is difficult, but helpful, and review is an essential part of the ThemeForest submission process. Their first theme was rejected a number of times by the review team, but they learned from the experience, and that ultimately led to a better theme.

吃乌鸦。 获得关于您的工作的反馈很困难,但是很有帮助,并且审查是ThemeForest提交过程的重要组成部分。 他们的第一个主题遭到审核小组的拒绝,但他们从经验中学到了教训,最终形成了一个更好的主题。

ThemeForest reviewers didn’t like the design we submitted, they want to see high-level themes with a perfect UI, which can suit thousands of buyers. We realized that our mistake was that we tried to create a theme as a single website for a single customer.

ThemeForest审稿人不喜欢我们提交的设计,他们希望看到具有完美UI的高层主题,该UI可以适合成千上万的购买者。 我们意识到我们的错误是我们试图将主题创建为单个客户的单个网站。

Market your themes. A combination of Google Adwords, banners and paid reviews have been successful for the team, but they continue to look for new marketing strategies.

推广您的主题。 Google Adwords,横幅广告和付费评论相结合,已经为团队取得了成功,但他们仍在寻找新的营销策略。

Stay hungry, stay foolish. Making a steady income from your current themes mustn’t stop you creating new features, themes and products. Keep creating, keep improving, and keep valuing and supporting your customers.

求知若饥,虚怀若愚。 从当前的主题中获得稳定的收入并不能阻止您创建新的功能,主题和产品。 不断创建,不断改进,并不断评估和支持您的客户。

And one final key lesson. They were inspired by a successful ThemeForest author, Chris Molitor, to start creating micro-niche themes.

最后一课。 他们受到成功的ThemeForest作者Chris Molitor的启发,开始创建微型利基主题。

通过专注于利基市场避免人群 (Avoid the Crowd by Focusing on Niche Markets)

By focusing on niches, you can find markets that are not already overcrowded. Back in 2013 I and other successful authors about their success in creating themes for niche markets. This is how Chris described his initial strategy for finding the right niche:

通过专注于利基市场,您可以找到尚未拥挤的市场。 回顾2013年,我和其他成功的作者,介绍了他们在为利基市场创建主题方面的成功。 克里斯就是这样描述他寻找合适的利基市场的最初策略:

  • He looked for ThemeForest categories that didn’t have any themes. For example, Chris was the first author to make themes in the events, nightlife, churches, political and charities categories.

    他寻找没有主题的ThemeForest类别。 例如,克里斯(Chris)是第一位在事件,夜生活,教堂,政治和慈善类别中创作主题的作者。
  • As the categories began to become more popular, he would focus on the ones with the smallest number of themes. His challenge was that there wasn’t many other themes to get inspiration from, “if you’re doing it right, you’re on your own.”

    随着类别开始变得越来越流行,他将专注于主题数量最少的主题。 他面临的挑战是,没有多少其他主题可以从中获得灵感,“如果做得对,就只能靠自己了。”
  • He researched the unique features customers in each niche needed, and included them in his themes. He talked to real people about their real requirements.

    他研究了客户在每个所需细分市场中的独特功能,并将其纳入主题。 他与真实的人谈论他们的真实需求。

One niche project I did was actually the result of an email I got from a curator at a museum. They weren’t able to find anything for what they needed, so I asked questions and learned what the needs were from the actual end user. I had a lot of fun working on it, and it’s probably my favorite niche project to this day. (Chris Molitor)

我做的一个利基项目实际上是我从博物馆的策展人那里收到一封电子邮件的结果。 他们无法找到所需的任何东西,因此我提出了问题,并从实际的最终用户那里了解了需求。 我在其中工作很有趣,这可能是迄今为止我最喜欢的利基项目。 (克里斯·莫利托)

How does Chris stand out from the crowd? By not being generic. He doesn’t create themes for anybody—he creates them for somebody. His trademark is unique, functional themes for specific niche groups.

克里斯如何在人群中脱颖而出? 通过不通用。 他不为任何人创建主题,而是为某人创建主题。 他的商标是针对特定利基群体的独特,实用的主题。

Don’t say ‘anybody’ can use your services—be specific… Saying ‘everybody’ makes you think of ‘nobody’.


I can see where StylemixThemes got their inspiration from. They, too, create quality micro-niche themes specifically tailored to each industry, each with its own special features. Here are a few examples.

我可以看到StylemixThemes的灵感来源。 他们还创建了专门针对每个行业的高质量微生态主题,每个主题都有其自己的特色。 这里有一些例子。

– a Theme for Business and Finance


Consulting from StyleMixThemes

StylemixThemes isn’t shy. They clearly spell out to their customers that the theme is “based on in-depth research into the field of business, finance and consulting.” That’s good marketing. Then they make sure it includes additional functionality needed for business, finance and consulting, such as including the use of pie charts, graphs and progress bars, and a WooCommerce store.

StylemixThemes并不害羞。 他们清楚地向客户表明,该主题是“基于对商业,财务和咨询领域的深入研究”。 那是很好的营销。 然后,他们确保它包括业务,财务和咨询所需的其他功能,例如使用饼图,图形和进度条以及WooCommerce商店。

– a Theme for Life Coaches and Personal Trainers


Health Coach from StyleMixThemes

Again, they point out to their customers that a lot of thought went into the included features: “With growing popularity of Health Coaching and Healthy Lifestyle becoming more and more widespread, the niche really needs a theme which would provide everything a coach needs to present him/herself and his/her programme promoting better lifestyle.” So they include payment and booking integration.

他们再次向客户指出,其中包括很多功能:“随着健康教练和健康生活方式的日益普及,利基市场确实需要一个主题,该主题将提供教练需要呈现的一切内容他/她自己和他/她的计划促进了更好的生活方式。” 因此,它们包括付款和预订整合。

– a Theme for Beauty, Hair and Spa Salons


Cinderella from StyleMixThemes

Here they include special features required for small businesses in the beauty industry (including networks of salons in multiple locations), like online booking, an advanced pricing module, and a WooCommerce store.


Pearl WP是一整套利基主题 (Pearl WP Is a Bundle of Niche Themes)

With so much success with their micro-niche themes, StylemixThemes wanted to take it to the next level. So they took everything they learned, and combined it into a mega product. is a comprehensive bundle of niche themes—business, logistics, medical, restaurant, construction, charity, beauty, health coach, musical, rental, portfolio, church, personal blog, WooCommerce shop, startup, and viral—with more niches being added over time.

凭借微型细分主题的巨大成功,StylemixThemes希望将其提升到一个新的水平。 因此,他们将学到的一切都拿来,并将其组合成一个大型产品。 是一个全面的利基主题组合,包括商业,物流,医疗,餐厅,建筑,慈善,美容,健康教练,音乐,租赁,投资组合,教堂,个人博客,WooCommerce商店,创业公司和病毒式传播,并且还有更多利基市场随着时间的推移而增加。

So, while focussing on niche markets, they have also created a product that appeals to a wider audience. This is the first themes bundle to appear on ThemeForest, so they’re blazing their own trail here. Check out their promo video.

因此,在专注于利基市场的同时,他们还创造了一种吸引更广泛受众的产品。 这是出现在ThemeForest上的第一个主题包,因此他们在这里大放异彩。 观看他们的促销视频。

As with their standalone products, each theme in the bundle includes special features tailored to each industry. Here are some examples:

与独立产品一样,捆绑包中的每个主题都包含针对每个行业量身定制的特殊功能。 这里有些例子:

  • The business and finance theme allows customers to make appointments online, simplifying your schedule management.

  • The audio albums theme includes a music player that doesn’t stop when visitors browse the site.

  • The restaurant theme includes three layout options to showcase your menu.

  • The construction theme includes project templates to showcase your work.

  • The charity theme has an inbuilt PayPal donation system.


But this isn’t just a collection of separate themes. You can mix and match the features between each theme, and take advantage of 200 shortcodes and 250 page templates, to customize as needed. That’s a lot of functionality and versatility built into a single product, and will appeal to a wide audience.

但这不仅是各个主题的集合。 您可以混合和匹配每个主题之间的功能,并利用200个简码和250个页面模板进行自定义。 在单个产品中内置了许多功能和多功能性,并且会吸引广泛的受众。

Another way to stand out from the crowd is by providing excellent documentation. That’s a job that can feel tedious to the developer, but is crucial to the end user. You don’t want to skimp here.

脱颖而出的另一种方法是提供出色的文档。 这项工作对开发人员来说可能很乏味,但对最终用户而言至关重要。 您不想在这里闲逛。

StylemixThemes have taken their documentation to another level by producing a range of . They don’t just instruct users how to install the bundle, but also cover a range of Pearl WP’s important features, including:

StylemixThemes通过制作一系列将其文档提高了一个层次。 他们不仅指导用户如何安装捆绑包,而且还介绍了Pearl Pearl WP的一系列重要功能,包括:

  • How to use the Pearl Header Builder

    如何使用Pearl Header Builder
  • An overview of Mega Menu

  • An overview of the Pearl Slider

  • Setting up the Autoptimize plugin

  • An overview of the restaurant menu

  • How to set up bookings via OpenTable

  • A demonstration of the advanced portfolio feature

  • A demonstration of the Success Stories module

  • An overview of the donations feature

  • A tutorial on construction projects.


向最好的人学习 (Learn from the Best)

Like StylemixThemes, you’ll find success if you persevere. Take some time to learn from them. Their Pearl WP bundle normally costs $59, but for a limited time they are . Here are a few reasons you should consider purchasing it:

像StylemixThemes一样,如果坚持不懈,就会发现成功。 花一些时间向他们学习。 他们的Pearl WP套装通常售价59美元,但在限定时间内,它们的 。 以下是您应考虑购买的一些原因:

  • If you want to learn what it takes to create quality micro-niche themes, this bundle contains a complete education. Study the differences between each theme, and the special features added for each industry. Then take what you’ve learned and go create something unique.

    如果您想学习创建高质量的微生态主题所需的内容,则此捆绑软件包含完整的培训。 研究每个主题之间的差异,以及为每个行业添加的特殊功能。 然后利用您所学到的知识去创造一些独特的东西。
  • If you create websites for various industries, this single bundle might be the one resource you need. You can purchase a standard license for each new site that you create, or an extended license to cover them all.

    如果您为各个行业创建网站,则此捆绑包可能是您需要的一种资源。 您可以为创建的每个新站点购买标准许可证,也可以购买扩展许可证以涵盖所有这些站点。
  • Or if you just need a website, you can get a Pearl WP site with setup and hosting for $16 a month.

    或者,如果您只需要一个网站,则可以每月16美元的价格获得一个包含设置和托管功能的Pearl WP网站。

How do you stand out in the crowded WordPress ecosystem? Start with hard work and your own unique style, add effective marketing and helpful documentation, respond to peer review, and never stop pursuing fresh ideas. And look for opportunities that are less crowded— I’ll say it again, in niche markets.

您如何在拥挤的WordPress生态系统中脱颖而出? 从努力工作和自己独特的风格开始,添加有效的营销和有用的文档,回应同行评审,永不停止追求新想法。 并寻找机会较少的人群,在利基市场中,我会再说一遍。

Have you had success creating niche WordPress themes? I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments.

您已经成功创建了利基WordPress主题吗? 我希望在评论中听到您的经历。



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